A photo of a pangolin on a tree branch

Sangha Pangolin Project


Central African Republic

Sangha Pangolin Project is situated on a beautiful site on a small peninsula of the mighty Sangha River and is only accessible by long car and boat journeys. From here, visitors enter the nearby national park to see up to 150 elephants congregate to socialise and browse from the mineral rich soil, track gorillas and other wildlife, and enjoy spectacular waterfalls and trees.

Threats to wild animals are ever present – illegal logging and poaching for the bushmeat trade are big problems. Pangolins are one of the most illegally traded mammal species, killed for their meat, whilst their scales are used in traditional Asian medicines. But project founders, Rod and Tamar Cassidy, are doing what they can to help pangolins in need, by caring for orphaned infants and those rescued from the wildlife trade.

Pangolins are notoriously difficult to care for and rehabilitate, especially when they still require bottle feeding. However, once the young pangolins gain weight and confidence, the team introduce them to the surrounding forest and when they are ready, release them back to the wild.

A pangolin disguised in the undergrowth - its long tongue stretching out over a tree log

Adopt the Pangolin Family

Pangolins are one of the most illegally traded mammal species - you can support the Sangha Pangolin Project's work to protect them by adopting the Pangolin Family today.

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